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Neptunia is a project rendered using Unreal Engine. Located in the Queen Victoria Gardens, it is a pavilion design that takes inspiration from the Neptunia Lutea plant. Using the panels and waffle techniques learnt from the Parametric Modelling module, the design examines the boundaries between inside and outside, and whether walls need to be so distinct. The waffle structure and the panels alike are semi permeable, leading to a shared visual and audible experience for those within the structure and around it. Inspired by kinetic designs, the panels are able to move to create a more open or closed structure.
The landscaping was also a part of the design. After some iterations, it came down to 3 final concepts. I ended up going with option 3 as it enabled circulation as well as resting spots. This gives more programmatic freedom to the site as it can be an area for talks, for meetings, for fairs, or for just resting and relaxing. It also followed the overall typology of the land surrounding it.

Option 1
Option 2

Option 3

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